Our Program Provides Quality Patient Outcomes That Are Extremely Cost Effective
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December, 2010

 Our program is an example of the type of change the healthcare legislation is attempting to implement: producing better patient outcomes while reducing costs.  Dollars spent in the HMR Program are better-spent healthcare dollars because the program costs are partially offset by reductions in medication costs and even further supported by reductions in risk factors affecting future health costs.  A study recently published in the journal, Current Clinical Pharmacology, showed combined average cost savings on medication of $1,460.00 in the first year for HMR patients with greater savings each additional year.  It was also estimated that, averaging all patients, there was a $29.00 per week savings on their food bills.  Our program provides quality patient outcomes that are extremely cost effective.

Excerpt© 2010 Year End Letter from Health Management Resources Corporation, Boston, MA





* Decision-Free® Diet Disclaimer Notice: HMR® published data from selected programs offering the
Decision-Free® Diet Program show a 50-60 pound average weight loss for participants in this type of program. 
Healthy Solutions® Diet Disclaimer Notice: HMR® published data from selected programs offering the
Healthy Solutions® Program show a 35-40 pound average weight loss for participants in this type of program. 
HMR at Home® Diet Disclaimer Notice: HMR® published data show average weight loss of 15-30 pounds for HMR at Home®.

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Some of the material used in this site is owned by Health Management Resources Corporation (HMR®) of Boston Massachusetts,
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