Hank Brouwer

Hank is an inspiration here at Living Fit Center. He started his weight loss journey on May 11, 2009, weighing in at 512 pounds!

Hank lost a total of 200 pounds during Phase 1 and Ongoing classes utilizing both the HMR Decision Free and Healthy Solutions Programs. He then moved into Phase 2 (Maintenance) and lost an additional 101 pounds.

Hank's success is based on his commitment to following the HMR protocol. He attends HMR classes weekly and makes his mid-week phone call to "check-in" and stay on track. Hank also keeps a weekly summary form, exercises by walking, and eats at least 35 fruits and vegetables a week. He has also committed himself to revamping many of his old favorite recipes into healthier versions.

To date Hank weighs in at an amazing 211 pounds. He was recently featured in The Press of Atlantic City column, "Everyone Has a Story."


* Decision-Free® Diet Disclaimer Notice: HMR® published data from selected programs offering the
Decision-Free® Diet Program show a 50-60 pound average weight loss for participants in this type of program. 
Healthy Solutions® Diet Disclaimer Notice: HMR® published data from selected programs offering the
Healthy Solutions® Program show a 35-40 pound average weight loss for participants in this type of program. 
HMR at Home® Diet Disclaimer Notice: HMR® published data show average weight loss of 15-30 pounds for HMR at Home®.

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