Changes in Healthcare Legislation...
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Changes in healthcare legislation suggest that, as a nation, we may be finally preparing to seriously address the obesity issue.

There is near universal agreement that treatments for overweight and obesity need to be front and center with greater focus and reimbursement for treatment.  If left unaddressed, the obesity/co-morbidity epidemic will bankrupt the healthcare system.  Consider some recent statistics:

  • 10% of patients account for 64% of all U.S. healthcare cost (NEJM, November 2010)
  • Obesity care may cost twice previous estimates (National Bureau of Economic Research, October 2010)
  • Obesity adds about $28,000 to a person’s medical bills over a 10-year period (National Bureau of Economic Research, October 2010)
  • Healthcare costs for a person with diabetes are 2.7 times greater than for a person without diabetes, and for those diabetics with complications, they are 4.7 times greater (United Health Group Study, 2010)
  • Obese employees spend 77% more on medications that non-obese employees (Health Enhancement Research Organization, 2010)

 As the healthcare system sorts out exactly how increased payments for obesity treatments will work, HMR will closely monitor these developments and evaluate how they affect the operational management of HMR Programs.

 Excerpt© 2010 Year End Letter from Health Management Resources Corporation, Boston, MA


* Decision-Free® Diet Disclaimer Notice: HMR® published data from selected programs offering the
Decision-Free® Diet Program show a 50-60 pound average weight loss for participants in this type of program. 
Healthy Solutions® Diet Disclaimer Notice: HMR® published data from selected programs offering the
Healthy Solutions® Program show a 35-40 pound average weight loss for participants in this type of program. 
HMR at Home® Diet Disclaimer Notice: HMR® published data show average weight loss of 15-30 pounds for HMR at Home®.

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